Geoanalytics with Tibco Spotfire: earthquake activity around Lisbon

The famous 1755 earthquake and the fire that followed it devastated the entire Lisbon downtown area. From time to time we hear news about earthquakes around the world, like the one in Amatrice, Italy, and it is a reality that can happen to any of us, so it makes us think: it would be nice to know what is going on beneath our feet!

With the right technology it is possible to predict earthquarkes by collecting reliable data activity in Portugal (all public data), explore this data and take some valuable information from it. Tibco Spotfire has a Map Chart which allows you to set latitude and longitude and present earthquake events with colour and size in proportion to its magnitude. For a better reading you may also create a detailed visualization where you can access to more information, mark or filter data based on any available criteria. Additionally, there’s a collaboration feature to share comments between users, juat check out the example on the image.


As you can observe there is recorded activity around Lisbon, ups! where Polarising office is located!, but the probability of feeling the earth trembling is very low, at least compared to the south of Portugal, where the seismology activity his much higher. This data sample also shows that in the last few months earthquakes magnitude rarely approached the value of 4, and those above magnitude 3 were all located in the sea.

Now that Tibco Spotfire satisfied your curiosity, don’t feel threatened by nature, nevertheless you should always be prepared.

You may find more use cases for Geoanalytics related to this data such as:

  • risk assessment by an insurance company;
  • where is more likely to sell survival equipment;
  • crossing this information with population data to identify critical urban areas.

BI & Analytics Consultant bij Polarising


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