What’s New | March

Welcome to the amazing new section entirely owned by the Polarising Evangelists! Every month our technology experts give tips on what is hot, trendy and relevant in each of the areas they address. Here you can find interesting articles, register for webinars or read their own articles and blog posts. Check out March highlights and stay tuned with our experts!
Integration & API’s powered by António Queiroz
<Amsterdam Airport Schiphol offers a growing range of APIs that enables innovators to explore and use all kinds of airport data for new applications.
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<Want an API to search movies and TV shows?
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DevOps & Cloud powered by Bruno Neto
<The cloud and the network are critical components in business transformation. How can you utilize both to benefit your organization?
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<“Automate everything you can.”
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Blockchain & APM powered by Christopher Burrows
<SAP joins the Hyperledger community as a Premier Member. This goes to show how committed big technology companies are to Blockchain technology.
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<On the same note, SAP has announced that SAP Ariba, their Supply Chain platform, will be integrating with blockchain startup Everledger.
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BPM powered by João Estevão
<Processes: static or dynamic?
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<Mark your calendar! One of the main BPM Conferences in Portugal has just released its synopsis. It will take place in 25th of May at Universidade Nova de Lisboa and the main topic will be on how Artificial Intelligence will matter to Businesses and how will Humans still be relevant. A panel of experienced practitioners will also be speaking on this and other BPM subjects. See you there!
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<Riding the 21st century Information Wave with the BPM renaissance and how it can bridge the gap between IoT devices and your Customers. The key benefits will be coordinating and connecting your customers and the rest of your digital Enterprise.
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Frontend (Mobile) powered by Paulo Marques
<Next Android OS: O.
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<Mobile Messaging : So easy with Firebase Cloud Messaging!
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Realtime Analytics & Bigdata powered by Pedro Marques
<Tibco’s Spotfire new version that came from the cold.
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<Presenting your data in a detailed and easy-to-follow form is essential, it’s hard to keep the focus of your audience if you can’t help them fully understand the data you’re trying to explain. These are the top 5 benefits of using Data Visualization.
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<Study concludes that, by the end of this year, a majority of organizations are expected to invest in the cloud for BI and data management.
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IoT powered by Ricardo Santos
<How to build a pumpkin for Halloween.
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<Lessons learned with IoT in the real world.
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Portals (Liferay) powered by Vítor Lopes
<Small article that can help you to understand ADT to implement a website without coding (or with not much code).
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<A learning system for Liferay.
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