Why did Polarising join the “Compromisso Pagamento Pontual” ?

compromisso-pagamento-pontualPolarising established in early 2015 what it took for itself as an unswerving rule from day one of its existence: – absolute compliance with payment deadlines made to any and all persons or entities with which it collaborates.
As such, it was naturally that right at the beginning of this initiative we became members of the Timely Payments Commitment bearing the seal of the program in Polarising’s communications.
We intend to counter the frightening figures and the unpredictable consequences that non-compliance with payment deadlines entail for the global economy. According to recent AIP data, which corroborate the study on “Risk Index” published by Intrum Justitia, 75 percent of the Portuguese companies reports having problems with late payments. A principle that seems basic in companies’ lives eventually becomes a serious threat to their survival.
Here is the reality we want to counter:
The scale of the problem – in Portugal, in 2012, the invoices issued and not paid amounted to EUR 5.9 million, about 4% of GDP or 8% of the troika’s loan to our country.
The number of bankruptcies it leads to – according to the European Union, represents 25% of all bankruptcies in Europe.
The unemployment it causes – the worsening of 12 days in the average payment to suppliers between 2006 and 2011, originated, according to the study of ACEGE with Augusto Mateus & Associados, an annual destruction of 14,000 jobs and a GDP fall of 0.4%.
The unfair competition it creates – companies that pay late penalize companies that honor their commitments and create unfair competition.
This culture of permissiveness and irresponsibility in the Portuguese economy, which seems to be deeply ingrained as a cultural factor, must be countered, otherwise many small and medium-sized enterprises may come to succumb if this does not happen.
How about you also join the “Compromisso Pagamento Pontual”?  Follow this link: http://www.ver.pt/compromisso-pagamento-pontual/adesao/

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