How a Hub-and-Spoke architecture can help manage data.

As hub-and-spoke distribution models have helped revolutionize countless sectors, their translation into digital architectures is making significant inroads into data management for the modern company. Simply put, a hub-and-spoke model consists of a centralized architecture connecting to multiple spokes (nodes). It makes sense that this is considered the ideal paradigm […]

How a Hub-and-Spoke architecture can help manage data. Read More

Edge Computing

Edge computing takes localised processing a bit further than Fog Computing, because it allows for actions to be taken on-site, in the processing point. This poses an advantage over Fog Computing as there are less points of failure. Each item in the chain is more independent and capable of determining

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Fog Computing

Even though Cloud computing is a great way of processing the data generated by the “things”, it doesn’t meet all IoT’s needs. For instance, one issue that affects the quality of service (QoS) severely is network latency. Real time applications are affected by the delay caused by latency in networks

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Lambda Architecture

In the Lambda Architecture website we have a brief history and description of the architecture. “Nathan Marz came up with the term Lambda Architecture (LA) for generic, scalable and fault-tolerant data processing architecture, based on his experience working on distributed data processing systems at Backtype and Twitter. The LA aims

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Cloud Computing

The definition of Cloud computing provided by the National Institute of Standard and Technologies says: ‘‘Cloud computing is a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing re-sources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with

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Internet of Things

The first time someone used the term “Internet of Things” was in 1999 by Kevin Ashton in a presentation at Procter & Gamble [1]. Since then, the steady progress of technology has produced an array of low-cost sensors and the growth of computer processing power sustained by Moore’s Law. That

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